Constituted in 1875, George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531. has the largest brethren in District 12. Named in honor of the 11th U.S. Vice President George M. Dallas, the Lodge has amassed over 825 members.

Each month, Lodge 531 features presentations to educate and entertain regarding Freemasonry, with some open to the public. It also welcomes new members and works to help others take further steps in Freemasonry.

Lodge 531 continues to serve the public through charitable donations and fund-raising events each year. Several organizations such as the Back Mountain Food Pantry and American Legion Post 672 have benefited from the generosity of our Lodge.

We invite you to explore the pages of our website so that you may become more familiar with Freemasonry and Lodge 531. If you have any questions or are interested in joining our Lodge, please Contact us.

Current Lodge Membership – 639

Fellowship Nights

Brethern, please join us on Wednesday evenings for fellowship at 6:30 p.m. These are informal, come-as-you-are evenings. We will engage in Masonic instruction, sometimes we solve world problems, and most of the time we just have fun. Come join us!

2025 Scholarship

The George M Dallas Lodge No. 531 F&AM will be awarding four scholarships for the 2025 graduating class in the amount of $1,500 dollars each.  The scholarships will be awarded to graduating Seniors, two from the Dallas School District and two from the Lake Lehman School District who choose to further their education at an accredited institution of higher learning, including an accredited vocational institution.  Funds must be used for tuition.

The successful scholarship recipients will have a demonstrated active role in their school or local communities, a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher at the time of submission, and will be able to articulate the need for the scholarship.  Please include two letters of recommendation attesting to your character and community involvement. Please also include a copy of your most recent grades showing the cumulative GPA. 

After notification, the recipient is obligated to receive the award (Check Paid to the order of institution and recipient) at our May 5, 2025 family night.

Please click on the link to the Scholarship Application, complete the information requested and send to George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531, 60 Main St. Dallas, PA 18612.  All scholarship applications are due by March 15, 2025.

Click HERE for the Scholarship Application

150th Anniversary Celebration

150th George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531
Anniversary Celebration
With the Right Worshipful Grand Master and
Grand Lodge Officers
Monday, March 3, 2025
AppleTree Terrace @ Newberry Estates

$35 per person

Hors d’oeuvres
Dinner Buffet
Dessert Buffet

Please contact Bro. Barry T. Wagner, PM, Secretary to make reservations. Payment is due no later than the February 3rd Stated Meeting.

2025 Lodge Essays

Do you enjoy writing? If so, the lodge can use your help. Grand Lodge has requested that our lodge write 3 profile essays (1,000 – 1,500 words each) on the following:

Member #1: Influential in the Community
Member #2: Influential in the Lodge
Member #3: Influential in Freemasonry in General

Please note that the selected member may be living or deceased. If you are interested in helping with the essays, please contact theSecretary, Barry T. Wagner, PM.

What’s Missing

Do you know what’s missing in Freemasonry?

YOU! Please make a New Year’s resolution to attend our Stated and Extra Meetings. Hear an interesting program, refresh your memory of your entered apprentice, fellow craft, or master mason’s degree. Enjoy some fellowship with the Brethren. Remember, you get out of Freemasonry what you put into it.
Haven’t been to the lodge lately? Never be concerned about an entrance examination as a member of George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531. If requested, your current membership card is all that is needed to attend a Stated or Extra Meeting. No other questions will be asked. Come out for a great meal and terrific fellowship. Hope to see you soon at Lodge.

My Brother’s Keeper

Brethren, the ladies of the Trucksville United Methodist Church make bed rolls for the homeless in Wilkes-Barre for the winter months as part of the My Brother’s Keeper: Maker’s of Ugly Quilts program. These bed rolls are tied together with USED neckties to maintain the roll. If you have any USED neckties you no longer want, please drop them off at the lodge and we will make sure they are donated to this program.

Pay Your Dues On-Line

As part of the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge’s 21st Century Masonic Renaissance, Members can now pay dues online. All necessary measures have been taken to ensure safe financial transactions and that payments are properly recorded and disbursed. And as always, you can pay dues in person or by mail making checks payable to George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531 F. & A. M.. Dues paid online will incur a $3.25 processing fee.
You can also add a voluntary donation to our charity fund in the same transaction if you like.

Masonic Ritual

The 12th Masonic District School of Instruction meets each month on the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday at:
Masonic Temple
25 North Franklin Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Instruction in all phases of Masonic Ritual are available. Instruction begins at 7:30 p.m.  
March 11th – Business Meeting, Qualifying
March 17th – TBD


The Worshipful Master requests that first and second-line signers of petitions be present for the stated meetings when the petition is presented and balloted and at extra meetings when the Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason degrees are conferred. 

Thank You