531 Store

Pay your Lodge Dues or browse the items below to find a gift for yourself!
A portion of merchandise sales benefit Lodge 531‘s Masonic Charity Fund.

Pay your 2025 Dues Online

2024 Membership Dues             $88.00
Almoner’s Fund Assessment     $  5.00
Total Amount Due                        $93.00

You can also add a voluntary donation to our charity fund in the same transaction if you like.

As part of the Pennsylvania Grand Lodge’s 21st Century Masonic Renaissance, Members can now pay dues online. All necessary measures have been taken to assure safe financial transactions and that payments are properly recorded and disbursed. And as always, you can pay dues in person or by mail making checks payable to George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531 F. & A. M.. Dues paid on-line will incur a $3.25 processing fee.

Dues/Charity Fund Donation Option
Name of Lodge Member