Masonic Memorial

Bro. Earl C. Swan

Bro. Earl C. Swan Sr., 92, died Sunday, March 20, 2011, at his home in Loyalville. He graduated from Kingston Township High School, class of 1936. He served in the US Navy during WW II on the USS Telamon and the USS Hector, receiving the Pacific Theater Ribbon, the American Theater Ribbon, and a Victory Medal. He worked in commercial construction all of his life for various contractors including Raymond R. Hedden Co., Dallas, and Sordoni Construction, Forty Fort, retiring in 1984. Brother Swan became a member of George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531 in 1961.

Interment was held in the Kocher Cemetery, Ruggles.

Please join us in prayer and remembrance of Brother Swan.

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Bro. Walter Galka

Walter I. Galka, 78, of Noxen passed away Thursday, March 31, 2011. Born in Noxen, he graduated at Lake Noxen High School. Before retiring, he was employed as a surveyor, foreman and assistant superintendant by Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Tunkhannock, for 41 years. He served with the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He became a member of George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531 in 1978.

Entombment was held at Chapel Lawn Memorial Park, Dallas. Masonic Funeral Services were conducted by Lodge 531.

Please join us in prayer and remembrance of Brother Galka.

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Bro. Raymond Daring

Bro. Raymond James Daring, 84, of Dallas, passed away Thursday, May 12, 2011, at his residence after a courageous battle with cancer. Born in Wilkes-Barre, he was the second son of the late Arthur W. Daring and Gertrude Bruggeman Lenzi. He attended Hanover High School and Wilkes College (University). He served in the U.S. Navy during WWII on the USS Sigourney in the South Pacific. He was a well-known local businessman who owned and operated Daring’s Market on Memorial Highway in Dallas along with his wife, Nancy, for 35 years before retiring in 1992. Brother Daring  became a member of George M. Dallas Masonic Lodge No. 531 in 1954. He was also a member of Caldwell Consistory, Royal Order of the Jesters Court 154, Irem Temple, and the Irem Golf Association.

A private interment was held at Fern Knoll Burial Park, Dallas. George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531 will conducted Masonic Funeral Services at the funeral home.

Please join us in prayer and remembrance of Brother Daring.

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Bro. Arthur J. Garinger

Bro. Arthur J. Garinger, 89, of Dallas, passed away Saturday, June 11, 2011. He was a graduate of Dallas Township High School. Before retiring, he was employed as a machinist by American Party Favor, and later by Party Time Manufacturing Company. Following his retirement he owned and operated Dallas Rental, as well as working as a machinist from his home. He became a member of George M. Dallas Lodge 531 F. & 1964. Interment was at Fern Knoll Burial Park, Dallas.

Please join us in prayer and remembrance of Brother Garinger.

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Bro. Peter Paul Mahalick

Bro. Peter Paul Mahalick, 72, of Dallas, passed away Sunday, May 13, 2012, at the Meadows Nursing in Dallas. He graduated from Swoyersville High School in 1959, and spent his entire career in the textile industry in various positions including plant manager for companies in Pennsylvania and Virginia. Brother Mahalick became a  member of George M. Dallas Lodge 531 in February 2007 and joined Irem Temple where he was very active with its golf association and Shrine Circus.

Masonic Funeral Services were conducted by Lodge 531 and Interment was held in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Swoyersville.

Please join us in prayer and remembrance of Brother Mahalick.

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Bro. George Stolarick

Dr. George Alan Stolarick, 59, of Dallas, passed away Friday, March 16, 2012. Brother Stolarick was a graduate of Dallas High School and College Misericordia, and also The Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine. He became a member of Lodge 531 in January 1995. He was also a member of the Irem Temple Shriners. He had operated his Podiatry practice in Dallas for the past several years.

Please join us in prayer and remembrance of Brother Stolarick.

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Bro. John Holdredge

John C. Holdredge Sr., 83, of Dallas, passed away Sunday, February 19, 2012. He was an inspector with the Tobyhanna Army Depot for 28 years. Bro. Holdredge was a member of George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531 being raised a Master Mason on December 11, 1957. He was also a member or Keystone Consistory, Scranton, Irem Temple Shriners and the Shrine Board of Governors. John was a veteran of the Korean War and a member of Daddow Isaacs American Legion, Post 672, Dallas.

Masonic Funeral Services were conducted by Dallas Lodge 531.

Please join us in prayer and remembrance of Brother Holdredge.

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Bro. Ralph Garris

Ralph Charles Garris, 89, formerly of Dallas, died Thursday, January 26, 2012, at Indian River Medical Center in Florida. He was born in Trucksville and resided in Dallas until moving to Vero Beach, FLA., 18 years ago. Brother Garris became a Mason at George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531 in 1954. He was a member of Irem Temple Shrine and a member of Dallas United Methodist Church. He was a WWII veteran of the Army Air Force.

Please join us in prayer and remembrance of Brother Garris.

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Bro. Robert Belles

Robert Zane Belles, 95, of Beaumont, PA, passed away Thursday, December 22, 2011. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, serving in North Africa, Italy, France and Germany. After the war, he returned to teaching at the Noxen High School and in 1965 he was appointed supervising principal of the Lake-Lehman School District. Years later, he was appointed Superintendent of Lake-Lehman School District retiring in 1978. The Lake Elementary Building at Harveys Lake was named the Robert Z. Belles Building. He was made a Master Mason in 1954 at George M. Dallas Lodge No. 531 F.& A.M. and was a member of Caldwell Consistory for more than over 50 years, and the Irem Temple Shrine.

Interment was held in the Orcutt Grove Cemetery, Noxen.

Please join us in prayer and remembrance of Brother Belles.

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